Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 24, 2009

I am the drama director at my elementary school. This year we are putting on Beauty and the Beast with the fourth and fifth graders. They are amazing. But what is more amazing to me is my use of my IPOD. I remember long ago,in the dark ages, when I first directed Free to Be You and Me, and Annie Get Your Gun that I had to hire a pianist to play along with all our rehearsals. When we did Sound of Music I had the person make tapes of the songs and thought that was just fabulous. My last play at the middle school was Annie and Linda, my musical director was thrilled to move to CDs. One CD for each song.
But now I've moved on. All I need is a pair of speakers and my IPOD and I can practice songs, teach dances, and fit it all into my pocketbook. Isn't technology great?

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